Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Graphing In Grade One

Ellen's Grade 1 class is starting their unit on Data Management.  She choose a lesson from the Guide to Effective Instruction as part of her unit.  Using the three-part lesson template she re-worked the lesson to meet the needs of her class.

For her Minds On she had the students complete a graph as a class about what their favourite type of recess snack was.  At the top of her graph she included a class list.  She used this class list as a way to show her students how to keep track of who had already given their answer.  She also drew a picture beside the different choices to help her students use a picture to help them figure out what the word was.  Once all of the names were crossed off, the students then started sharing what they noticed about their graph.  You can see the nuggets of what they discovered written right on the graph.

For the Action part of the lesson the students brainstormed several questions that they could ask each other about what their favourite things could be.  The questions were recorded in one colour and the possible categories (or answers) were recorded in another colour.  The students then went to work choosing their question from this list or from their own idea, and then began surveying their friends.
The students were each given a copy of the graph template and a clipboard.  On the back of the sheet, Ellen photocopied a class list so all the students needed to do was to flip over the sheet and cross off the name of their friend who they had just asked.  This was an easy way to keep track of who had and who hadn't answered the survey.
For students who struggle with printing, or were not comfortable in writing out their choices (it is early Grade 1) they drew a picture of their choice and then went on their merry way surveying their classmates.
In the final part (consolidation) of the lesson the students shared their graphs and then asked each other questions about what the data they collected said.

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