The Grade 2 morning PLC decided to look at graphic organizers as a way to engage their students in the math. They picked Geometry as the strand that they would use to work with the graphic organizers. These organizers came from a series of books by Susan O'Connell called "The Process Standard Series, K-2" There are 5 books in total for each grade band. These come from the communication book.
This one is called an "Idea Pot." You can put the main topic (strand) at the top and then have the students brainstorm all of the different things they know about this topic. If students want to add to this pot as the unit goes on, then use a different colour to add new words to help you (and them) see how much they have grown since the start of the unit.
This Graphic Organizer is called "What I Know" or the Freyer Model. In the centre the students pick (or are given) a word/shape/figure/etc. They then define it, list characteristics of it, give examples of it and give non-examples of it. As our group found out, it is sometimes hard to pick "Exciting" shapes because of the thinking that goes along with explaining it! (Right star group! :)
The last one is called "The Big Three." It's a great way to have students synthesize what they have learned over a period of a few days, or a week. You have them choose 3 things that they think are most important. You can see here how our teachers choose the "Big Three" for 2D shapes, 3D figures and Symmetry.
Super Job Grade 2 teachers! I can't wait to see these in use in your class for Geometry and beyond!
Glad to hear it was helpful! Sounds like you are going to have a class full of bubbling pots! :)