Thursday, August 25, 2011

Math Campp - Day 5

Our last day of Math Campp was a full morning of eating and last minute networking.  After having a brief closing session in our breakout groups, we then formed new groups with a variety of people from each of the five breakout groups. 

In these new groups we did a carousel of all the five rooms to see what they had learned and worked on.  It was great to see what things looked like (in terms of proportional reasoning and algebra) at all the different levels.  Here's just a few snapshots of the great stuff I saw during my carousel time.

In The K-4 session, there was a great poster board of different types of repeating and growing patterns.  What is neat is that in the growing patterns, two books were used: "I know and old lady" and "One Duck Stuck" were used to help explore patterns.

Growing Patterns

Repeating Patterns
In the 3-6 room they had posted Learning Goals on a continuum from Grades 3 - 6.  I've included the pictures of the learning goals for combined grades.   The Learning Goals are for the Patterning and Algebra Strand.

In the 5-8 session (where I was) we had done many activities that could be used not only as "Minds on" type activities, but also as ways to give descriptive feedback, or have students reflect on their learning (Helpful with the learning goals section of the report card).  The ideas are on the purple cards and the yellow paper are the learning goals we had for each breakout session.

The 7-10 session was lucky because they used a Mobie for part of their session.  The Mobie works in similar ways to a SmartBoard.  A key idea from this room was the chart that they had put together on ways to give feedback.  Exit passes or exit cards are a great way to get a snapshot of where you students are, and allow them a chance to reflect on their own learning.  (Once again, great for using to help give a mark for the Learning Goals and for planning!)

The final room was the 9-12 room.  In here there was math for both the academic and applied levels.  Two things that really stuck out to me in the room were the group "norms" sheet and also the Learning Goals and consolidation questions for the Grade 9 Academic and Applied classes.  I take comfort in this because in Elementary we always wonder if "high school is doing it" and this proves that they are!  How great is that consistency for our students!  The consolidation question is the question you would ask your students to make sure that you are meeting the Learning Goals set out for the lesson or the unit.

Group Norms - From the GAINS website.  Used for group work.  One teacher shared how she only needed to touch the sheet to get students back on task.

Grade 9 Academic

Grade 9 Applied
These are just a few of the great ideas that happened over the course of the week.  I've got more that I can't wait to share with you as we do our FOS based PLC's during the course of the year!  I honestly recommend attending Math Camppp next year if it is offered.  Think of it as an "Academic Vacation" it's free, it's fun and it's fabulous!

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